Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Long Day is Over...

...and still no photos. Sorry, again. Had class starting at 8:30 this morning, spent my lunch hour in front of a computer cramming, then wrote 2 back to back midterms tonight (pretty sure I blew them both, too). Finished at 8:30 p.m. A solid 12 hours. Recovered with a glass of wine and a mind-blowing episode of Lost, and now I'm ready for bed.

I'll try to post something tomorrow.... then a 10-day hiatus while I'm in Costa Rica!


Jackie S. Quire said...

ACtually, I wasn't really all that impressed. Actually, I was pretty annoyed by the "3 years earlier" "3 years later" thing.
Since when have they told us the time difference?
It's ALWAYS been flashies. Stick with what we know,JJ abrams!

Robyn said...

And the question is, since they were bouncing around in time for so long, 3 years from what/when??

Yeah, that was kind of lame. But they mentioned the polar bears, and we saw Sawyer in a jumpsuit, so that was happy :)

Jackie S. Quire said...

And can we discuss how dreamy sawyer looked all shaved and whatnot.


Robyn said...

haha, I have to say I prefer him all scruffy-like.... although that's just a personal choice :)