Friday, July 25, 2008

An Ode to Coffee

A large mug filled with liquid energy,
dreamy, steamy goodness, adaptable to any taste,
offering a kick in the pants in the morning,
an incentive to focus in the afternoon,
a nice wind-down in the evenings.
Black gold, at a dollar a cup.
Equally good as a steaming-hot wake-up beverage
or an ice-cold caffeine shot that's been sitting out too long
but still provides a burst of energy during those long homework hours.
It can stunt the growth, but who cares?
I stopped growing years ago.
Rich aromas and richer taste,
A guilty pleasure, a guiltier addiction.
Too much caffeine, leading to ridiculous interpretations of poetry....
Oh Coffee, how I love thee....

Yes, I've had far too much today. Coffee is pretty much the only thing keeping me running these last few months (well, that and Special K cereal with blueberries....mmmmm....). I should really cut back....


Jackie S. Quire said...


This is dangerously close to my "ode to a latte" post on MY blog hahaha.

Great minds think alike!

Robyn said...

Man, we are both way too addicted to coffee-like beverages... and here I thought I was being original. Turns out I was just cracked-out. And we're the same person.... obviously.

And I resent being called a plagiarizer... I'm sure you weren't the first person in the world to write an ode to caffeine :P